Executive order 13087 pdf

Executive order 11478 wikisource, the free online library. As amended by executive order 12106, section 1 of the order now reads. In 1998, president clinton issued executive order 87 pdf expanding equal. Aug 07, 2011 executive order 37 deals with commission to study capital budgeting. Text of executive order 87 in the federal register pdf document. Amending the civil service rules, executive order 488, and. Additionally, federal agencies retain procedures for making complaints of discrimination on any bases prohibited by executive orders. On may 25, 2018, i signed three executive orders requiring executive departments and agencies agencies to negotiate collective bargaining agreements that will reduce costs and promote government performance and accountability. Addressing sexual orientation discrimination in federal.

Executive order 12968, access to classified information. Presidential documents us department of transportation. Executive order 87 us department of transportation. By executive order, american presidents have created mental health care commissions, directed national councils to prioritize health care, and removed barriers to the funding of scientific research. On june 11, 1999 president clinton issued proclamation no. Facts about discrimination in federal government employment. The debate over lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. President bill clinton on may 28, 1998, amending executive order 11478 to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the competitive service of the federal civilian workforce. The order also applies to employees of the government of the district of columbia, and the united states postal service. Executive fee, and a task force, and establishes agency environmental executive aee positions within each agency, to be responsible for ensuring the implementation of this order. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride month law. Commission to study capital budgeting text by the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, including the federal advisory committee act, as amended 5 u. For example, executive order 11478, section 1 as amended by executive orders 87 and 152 provides. Further amendment to executive order 11478, equal employment.

Addressing sexual orientation discrimination in federal civilian employment. Mar 03, 1997 executive order 37 commission to study capital budgeting march 3, 1997 by the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, including the federal advisory committee act, as amended 5 u. History of the presidential documents which established lesbian, gay. It is primae facie evidence of treason, human trafficking, slavery, etc. In 1998, president clinton issued executive order 87 pdf expanding equal opportunity employment in the federal government by prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. The eo is geared toward obtaining more efficient and effective federal infrastructure decisions and to change the way the federal government. Executive order 11478, equal employment opportunity in federal government august 12, 1969 superseded executive order 11246 and parts of executive order 175 applicable to the federal government, as amended by executive orders 87 may 28, 1998 and 152 may 2, 2000.

On may 28, 1998, president bill clinton signed executive order 87, which amended executive order 11478 to add sexual orientation to the list of classes covered. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride month law library. Statutes, executive orders and federal regulations and. Aug 15, 2016 executive order 11478equal employment opportunity in the federal government source. Executive order 101greening the government through waste.

Executive order 87 further amendment to executive order 11478, equal employment opportunity in the federal government by the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states, and in order to provide for a uniform policy for the federal government to. Search, browse and learn about the federal register. Federal register executive orders 836, 837, and 839. A previous executive order already prohibited the federal government from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. Executive orders directly affect the field of psychology. By the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states, and in order to provide for a uniform policy for the federal government to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, it is hereby ordered that. Executive order 0948, 1940 not found, executive orders in the roosevelt administration 19331945 were numbered. Statutes, executive orders and federal regulations and policies. Executive order 87 equal employment opportunity in the federal government pdf 58kb executive order 145 to prohibit discrimination in federal employment based on genetic information. The order was amended and more protected classes were added in 1978 by executive order 12106, in 1998 by executive order 87 sexual orientation, and in 2000 by executive order 152 parental status.

Executive order 87 further amendment to executive order 11478, equal employment opportunity in the federal government. Office of personnel management, addressing sexual orientation. Executive order 87 wikisource, the free online library. Clinton published 38 executive orders from eo 72 through eo 109. Equal employment opportunity in the federal government. Amending the civil service rules, executive order 488, and executive order 467 to modernize the executive branchwide governance structure and processes for security clearances, suitability and fitness for employment, and credentialing, and related matters open pdf 222 kb. It has long been the policy of the united states government to provide equal opportunity in federal employment on the basis of merit and fitness and without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. When you discuss executive orders, reference and cite them as shown in section a7. Further amendments to executive order 11478, equal employment opportunity in the federal government. The fee, aees, and members of the steering committee and task force shall be fulltime federal government employees. By the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states, and in order to provide for a uniform policy for the federal government to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, it is hereby ordered that executive order 11478. By the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states of america, and in order to further promote efficient spending in the federal government, it is hereby ordered as follows.

Further amendment to executive order 11478, equal employment opportunity in the federal government. Aug 15, 2017 in addition to the duties and responsibilities charged to the fpisc executive director under 42 u. A guide to employees rights on may 28, 1998, president clinton issued executive order 87, providing a uniform executive branch policy for the federal government to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the federal civilian workforce. Executive order 11478 equal employment opportunity in the federal government.

Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me as president of the united states by the constitution and statutes of the united states, it is ordered as follows. By the authority vested in me as president by the constitution and the laws of the united states, and in order to provide for a uniform policy for the federal government to prohibit discrimination based on sexual. Executive order 164 requiring federal agencies to establish procedures to. Disposition tables contain information about presidential documents beginning with those signed by.

Access to classified information the national interest requires that certain information be maintained in confidence through a system of classification in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions, and our participation within the community of nations. All actions, procedures, and issuances taken under that order and still in effect shall remain in effect until modified by appropriate authority under the terms of this order. Nothing in this order shall apply to assistance provided for emergency work essential to save. Executive order 87 on which is a further amendment to executive order 11478. Civil rights act of 1866 thru 1883 and executive order. Executive orders 836, 837, and 839 memorandum for the heads of executive departments and agencies. Jul 21, 2014 executive order 11478 of august 8, 1969. What is interesting is section 2 b which is as follows. Presidential executive order on establishing discipline and.

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